Changelog v3.24 to v3.36
The latest updates comes with a range of changes that occurred throughout January.
Default to mainnet
When visiting you are now redirected to mainnet/eth instead of sepolia.
This occurs as part of the `middleware.ts` file so that the redirect happens without requiring the app to start up.
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';
export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
if (request.nextUrl.pathname === '/') {
const url = request.nextUrl.clone();
url.pathname = '/eth/collections';
return NextResponse.redirect(url);
// ...
Added Support for 1155s
Now you can create vaults, buy/sell/deposit 1155 assets on NFTX V3.
The number of 1155's held for each tokenId is also displayed in the top left of the asset.
When selecting 1155's you can also increase the number of each NFT you would like to purchase (or sell).
Add buy vToken button to collection header
While it was easy to buy NFTs from the collections it was difficult to find a way to buy fractions on the token that backs the items in the vaults.
The "Buy $vToken" button has now been added to the collection header meaning you can easily Dollar Cost Average (DCA) into ownership.
Small Fixes
- Navigation Header — Improved padding/margins and responsiveness on small screens
- Dark/Light theme — switched to cookie toggle
- Added loading state on inventory
- Improved language around 0.3% tier
Bug Fixes
- Added manager to the liquidity position function on NFTX.js
- exclude previously-set tokenIds when switching from creating an NFT-based to a vToken-based position
- gas estimate in the swap widget was incorrect
- pool transaction total value was incorrectly formatted
- allow old positions to unstake via the old nfpm contract
- 1155 qty inputs
- correctly calculate remaining items count
- dont allow user to increase quantity beyond their limit
- get correct svgs for older positions
- prevent fee tier getting lost during vault creation
- redirect when network needs normalising
- remove 3% pool
- show 1155 quantities on balances page
- vault price on info page should show the buy price rather than the TWAP
- collection links (etherscan, twitter, website) now open in a new window.